12 April 2022: Croydon & South London Branch AGM and Members’ Images
Our 2022 Branch AGM Evening was held on Tuesday 12 April. After a prolonged run of excellent online presentations, the Evening had been deferred by one month to improve the prospect of it being our first Branch face to face meeting for more than two years. Our regular evening meeting slot on Mondays, however, was no longer available so has had to be moved to Tuesdays for the foreseeable future. As a reminder that the Covid-19 virus was still around and a concern for many people, some social distancing and face covering were observed and there were no refreshments or sale of books. Ten members and one visitor attended. Unfortunately our Branch Chairman, Chris Meredith, was not among them. He had recently undergone a hip replacement operation and, although making excellent progress, was not yet fit enough to venture out to meetings: we all sent him our best wishes. Jeremy Harrison kindly agreed to chair the Evening. Following presentation of the Branch Accounts and annual reports, the Branch officers and other Committee members were all duly re-elected: Chris Meredith, Chairman, Jeremy Harrison, Treasurer, Peter Wilson, Secretary, and Andrew Jones and Rob Burridge, Committee members. After the formal proceedings, Geoff Brockett treated us to a superb show of slides of freight traffic taken during the past year with, finally, a shot of A1 Tornado visiting Eastleigh. By then we were reminded that, unlike with online meetings, we had to clear the building before it was locked up at 10 pm.