21st November 2019 · ‘Annual General Meeting & Members Presentations’
The meeting was attended by a number of members. The business was transacted relatively quickly, the increased Branch membership level resulting from the Free Membership offer during 2018 being generally maintained. The existing Committee were re-elected en bloc.
Following reports on the past year’s activities, from the Chairman, Treasurer & Secretary, discussion turned to future meetings and events. Attendances at the Joint Meetings with our SRPS colleagues continue to be well maintained. The meeting was advised that due to transport difficulties, the Branch will not be attending Model Rail Scotland 2020 being held in Glasgow SEC at the end of February.
The formal business concluded with Ken Falconer receiving the award of Honorary Branch President from the Branch. Committee Member D. Thompson presented the Certificate produced by the Secretary to mark the occasion.
A number of members then entertained those present with their digital and slide presentations, covering a variety of locations and themes. Messrs K Sanders, S Malcolm & R McAdam, amongst other contributors, participated.