1 September 2023 ‘My 49 Year Railway Career’ by Dennis Flood’

On Friday 1st September 2023, 29 members and guests met to hear Denis Flood tell his 49 year railway career.
Denis started in Edgehill Liverpool. He described seeing the Great Train Robbery Class 40, told us about being on train heating duties with a class 3 Tank, including how on one occasion the fire went out and his attempts to relight it with paraffin.
He told of his experiences working with Super D’s and Princesses and entertained us with amusing tales of work colleagues, Blaster bates was brought in to demolish the edge hill coal stage, a massive concrete structure. More takes of crews working banana trains and the crews learning to drive diesels. A most entertaining evening and we look forward to hearing further tales.
A warm round of applause ended the evening.