RCTS – West Midlands Branch Meeting Report

Monday 20th February 2023 – Coventry - 2.00pm

A wonderful slide show by Bryan Acford was shown to a large gathering for his presentation ‘Steam in China - 1984 - 2015. Bryan has visited China more than 20 times between these dates, a period that has seen main changes. There were photos of locomotives at various stages of construction; boilers, wheels, etc. were featured. During the winter months which Bryan favoured for low light photography the landscapes in the north were bare and largely arid.


With temperatures dipping to lower than -20C cameras had to be kept warm as well as wearing suitable clothing to brave these conditions. In addition to his beautiful well balanced low light images there were many pictures showing sunrise and sunsets. His knowledge of the place names was impressive and the multiplicity of lines visited including open cast mining, forestry railways, steel works and the recently constructed line to Jinpeng. Members enjoyed the images of ‘Slag’ disposal reminiscent of scenes at Workington.


We thanked Bryan for his superb photography and envy his massive enthusiasm for the hardships endured on his visits. We look forward to some summer time pictures next time !!!