AGM and Members’ Slides

Meeting Held at Shenfield Parish Hall and Online via Zoom

At the AGM, which was conducted as a hybrid meeting, the committee was re-elected for a further year; however the roles of two of the members were changed.  David Couzens-Howard stood down as secretary and David Cope took over.  Under the new arrangements David C-H will act as assistant secretary to David C, who has the additional roles as webmaster and IT/AV coordinator, including Zoom host.

After the usual seasonal fayre, several members shared their images: Iain Scotchman started us off with a photographic review of 2022 including Manchester – Gt Yarmouth excursions, charter trains and Tilbury freight.  This was followed by David Flatman’s images of Swiss trains, including rack & pinions and steam trams.  He followed this up with some pictures from the Mid-Hants.  David Cope’s collection was mostly from the 1980s in the UK, and included the Rainhill trials and the APT.  Geoff  Brockett followed-on with some slides of 2022 workings.  The evening was completed by Alan Osborne, a guest.  Alan is better noted for his involvement in buses and he is founder of the Eastern National Group.  We had a whirlwind tour of the world’s continents and even Antarctica got a mention!  This was a very eclectic show, which had, due to our time-constraints, to be completed in record time.