‘Those Were the Years Those Were’ Part 1, by Michael Reade, 7th May 2024

7th May 2024 Meeting.

We welcomed Branch Member Michael Reade for the first part of a two part presentation entitled: "Those Were the Years Those Were" Part 1 (With Apologies to Geoff Plumb).


Michael was able, during extensive business travel by rail and road in the UK, to capture the rail scene in colour from 1960 to the end of mainline steam in 1968.  Opportunities arose during lunchtimes and summer evenings in various industrial locations, and together with a London Midland Region (Southern Area) lineside permit used in various exotic locations such as Bushey, he photographed many freight workings as well as the dying embers of steam hauled passenger trips.  He eschewed the madding crowds in the North West as he preferred to be the last shutter clicker standing.

We saw many classes starting with 67619 at Crianlarich Junction with other venues north of the border, through to the last V2 on the Up Scarborough Flyer, to visits to Falmouth, Plymouth Millbay, Dursley, Bath Spa, Bristol Temple Meads, West Hartlepool, Stockton, Crook, Delling, Machynlleth, Aberystwyth, Barmouth and various NG Railways:- VofR, Talyllyn and Snowdon Mountain Railway.

The second half continued with a visit to Chorley Wood where all sorts of steam and electric trains were shown and along to Nottingham Victoria, Harrow & Wealdstone, Euston, Uxbridge Vine Street which he used on the way to school at West Drayton, Stratford and Swindon Depot and Works to name but a few.

A thoroughly enjoyable evening for this slide presentation performed in front of an attendance of 23 members and visitors.

We look forward to Part 2 for our September meeting.

Rob Davidson, Branch Secretary