AGM minutes
Held at the Royal Station Hotel, Carnforth
Wednesday 1st December 2021
- Welcome
Alan Sattenstall welcomed members to the meeting
- Apologies for Absence
None reported
- Acting Chairman/Secretary Report
Alan reported that activity had been severely restricted due to Covid issues but was happy to record that the branch is on an even financial keel. He expressed his thanks to Colin Kennington who supplied a set of interesting videos that enabled the Committee to circulate an interesting monthly Newsletter during the restrictions. He was also pleased to report that a programme of speakers has been assembled for the next 6 months. It had been necessary to amend the monthly meeting dates due to new management and revised tariffs at the hotel, so these have been moved from the 1st Friday to the 1st Wednesday. He thanked his fellow Committee members for their input and support.
- Annual Accounts 2021
David Bousfield presented the Annual Accounts and reported that there had been very little expenditure (£191.10) during the year due to lockdown. This had covered some small administration costs and attendance at the RCTS Conference. There had been no income due to restricted activity but the final total stood at £1808.38. David thanked Ron Oswald for carrying out an Audit of the Accounts.
- National Developments
Alan reported on some developments at HQ. A new Management Committee was now in place and there appeared to be a much more pro-active attitude. A new Website had been built with much better use of IT and was still developing with direct input from regional branches. Membership now stood at 2710. A new book will be published shortly on the subject of the LMS Royal Scot locomotives.
- Election of Officers
The current officers had indicated their willingness to stand for another year but any volunteers to help would always be welcome. David Bousfield said that while he was happy to act as Treasurer for the year his activities may be restricted due to personal issues. Officers are as follows:
Acting Chairman/Secretary – Alan Sattenstall
Treasurer – David Bousfield
Publicity Officer – John Owen
- Any Other Business
There being no other business the meeting was closed at 19.45.