The Railways of Aberdeen

SCT Edinburgh Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh

Keith Jones enlightens us on the varied routes that once existed in the Aberdeen area.

A Personal ‘Snapshot’ of some of Britain’s Military Railways

MKY Milton Keynes Network Rail - The Quadrant: MK, Elder Gate, Milton Keynes

Due to our original speaker (Tony Ellershaw from the Ivatt Diesel Recreation Society) being ill, committee member Clive Pepper has stepped in to give us a presentation on Britain's Military Railways, ably assisted by Brian Ringer.

Our originally planned presentation 'Recreating LMS 10000' will be rescheduled for later in the year.Tony Ellershaw from the Ivatt Diesel Recreation Society gives us an insight into the exciting project to build a replica of pioneer diesel electric locomotive No.10000