Branch AGM 2023
On 12th December Chairman Robin Gibbons opened the AGM at 7:00 pm, with notices and one apology for absence. The minutes of the 2022 AGM were approved, and the Chairman thanked the Branch Officers for their work over the year, Reports were received from all the Branch Officers, and all were unanimously re-elected. The AGM closed at 7.45pm
One factor emerging from the AGM was the recommendation concerning the recruitment of a replacement Treasurer early in the New Year as activity is limited and an ideal transition period before the next six monthly return is due in early May 2024.Possible speakers/subjects for the future were suggested and discussion followed about afternoon meetings versus evening meetings. The format of the AGM was also discussed and it was proposed to hold the AGM as part of an ordinary meeting in the next session 2024-25. It was also proposed to hold a social meeting in December to included members’ presentations etc
The time of meetings was also discussed and it was decided to start evening meetings at 19.00 in future and to hold more afternoon meetings during the winter months starting at 14.00
The Chairman asked for suggestions from the members present for other meeting topics