Branch AGM + Members’ Presentations

The excellent trend of post-Covid meeting attendances continued when another excellent collection of members turned out for April’s Annual General Meeting of the Branch.  Political matters were quickly dealt with as reports from the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer were positive and encouraging.  The existing committee was re-elected for a further year excepting the Treasurer, David Beeken, who opted to stand down after over 50 years in office.


The on-going evening’s entertainment comprised of presentations delivered by several members of the Branch.  Leading the way was David Wilkinson who illustrated a recent visit to the Isle of Wight displaying images of both the incoming and outgoing ex-LUL underground stock around the island.  Vic Drake next broadened the scope of the material when showing videos principally comprising of steam, heavy freight and HST activity over Settle & Carlisle metals.


A very detailed presentation was next put forward by Chris Webster who showed many modern-day images of varied traffic through the Calder Valley taken by himself or local photographers John Speak and Paul Berry.  Steam and diesel passing rail tours were recorded to be then followed with pictures of the regular freight activities that are frequently to be seen in the locality.  Photographs of the various types of DMU used on local services completed the picture.

Thanks to all of the presenters for generating such a varied and interesting evening of internally generated entertainment.