Archived Meeting Reports

Pictures from the Online Archive (OTA)

By ESX South Essex | 2020-08-17

Presenter: Charles Roberts Virtual Meeting via Zoom We enjoyed a very informative presentation. Charles introduced the session with a history of the organisation and an explanation of its function, which…

Mangapps Railway Museum – history, recent updates and future plans

By ESX South Essex | 2020-07-20

Presenter: John Jolly Virtual Meeting via Zoom Our group is getting accustomed to virtual meetings and they work well, apart from one or two glitches. Our speaker confessed to this…

Railway Holidays in South-East Asia and Recent Travels

By ESX South Essex | 2020-06-15

Presenter: Iain Scotchman Virtual Meeting via Zoom This was our second go at virtual meetings by Zoom. The technology worked quite well, with only minor glitches, thanks to our host…

Special Virtual Meeting

By ESX South Essex | 2020-05-18

Presenters: Geoff Brockett and Jeremy Harrison Virtual Meeting via Zoom In view of the current situation one of our members suggested that we ran a virtual meeting via Zoom. We…

55,000 Miles in Search of Steam Locos

By ESX South Essex | 2020-02-17

Presenter: Chris Hurricks Physical Meeting at Shenfield Parish Hall Our member Chris clocked up an impressive 55 000 miles, in search of steam locos mainly, in 1968. This was before…

Nationalisation vs Privatisation

By ESX South Essex | 2020-01-20

Presenter: Alex Green Meeting Held at Shenfield Parish Hall Alex had experienced British Railways from 1966 to 1997 but was also able to bring us up to date, dispelling a…

Branch AGM & Members’ Slides

By ESX South Essex | 2019-12-16

Meeting Held at Shenfield Parish Hall At our AGM James Waite was installed as our first Branch President by unanimous vote. Jim was a founder member of the branch and…

London to VelkeKapusany – A 21st Century Odyssey

By ESX South Essex | 2019-11-18

Presenter: David Jackman Meeting Held at Shenfield Parish Hall One of the main attractions of going abroad is that things are different. As LP Hartley said in a different context…

That Was the Year That Was – 1962

By ESX South Essex | 2019-10-21

Presenter: Geoff Plumb Meeting Held at Shenfield Parish Hall Geoff Plumb was introduced to railways and to photography at a rather young age by his father Derek. Many trips were…

The BR Blue Era

By ESX South Essex | 2019-09-16

Presenter: Robert Warburton Meeting Held at Shenfield Parish Hall We welcomed Robert Warburton from Peterborough presenting The BR Blue Era. He reminded us that blue was in use before, with…