Colour rail presentation

Furness lakes and lune presentation

On the 1st December the branch had its first live meeting since 6th March 2020 so it was a real pleasure to welcome Paul Chancellor from Colour Rail especially after all the recent difficulties, it was surprising and gratifying the number of people attending.

Paul gave us a brief background to his business Colourail now with over 350000 images available. Consequently, he had admirable source material which was reflected in the superb presentation.

Initially he commenced with Titled trains from every sector of the UK, covering such quintessential blasts from the past as the Butlins Express, the Caledonian and the Cheltenham Spa Express which was double headed as it was split to cater for 2 destinations.

A wide range of motive power was on display shown by Warships and Western class diesels on the Cornish Riviera Express. More modern traction was also provided in terms of an HST again on the Cornish Riviera Express in 1978 at Totnes. To mention all the expresses Paul covered would fill many pages but a particular highlight was D308 on the Irish Mail on that iconic bridge into Anglesey.

It was a real blast as we saw the Flying Scotsman being hauled by those superb machines the Deltics.

Pauls next area was to show less popular titled trains such as the Bulbfield Express to Spalding. Of particular interest and social history was the Jobs Express from Newcastle to London with the hope of encouraging ministers to provide help for the NE. To name a few less well-known trains there was Master Cutler, the Clay Trader, Yorkshire and Oxford pullmen. It was fascinating to recall all these rare memories of our past.

To finalise Paul covered non titled services and some rare footage of branch lines from a bygone era. This was a fantastic session with many rare pictures from a huge range of geographical areas and a staggering array of motive power.

Alan sattenstall
