Digital Photographs from 2010 to 2013

A decision was made several days before the AGM that, owing to the ever worsening situation with the Omicron strain of Covid, the AGM would have to be a Zoom meeting. That presented a problem as our scheduled Speaker was unable to present on Zoom. We were therefore grateful to John Cashen for stepping in at very short notice to present his early digital pictures taken between 2010, when he acquired his first digital camera, and 2013.

It is always interesting to look back just a few years to see how many changes there have been to locations, motive power and liveries. John illustrated this perfectly with many Loco classes which are now rarely seen, liveries which no longer exist and locations where photography is no longer practicable.

The area covered was mainly the branch area of Merseyside, Cheshire and North Wales but also included visits to Cumbria & Scotland in 2013. We thank John for an excellent show.