Early Glasgow Electrification

Nearly 34 years after the start of electric working, 320307 is about to depart from Milngavie in May 1994.

Tuesday 5th December 2023

The Branch were delighted to welcome on Tuesday 5th December 2023 Robert Gardiner and Andrew Boyd with the presentation “Glasgow Suburban Electrification”.

This was a very detailed examination of the history surrounding electrification of Glasgow’s suburban railway network, the North Electrics beginning in 1960.

The Bruce report (1945), Fitzpayne report (1949) and Inglis report (1951) were explained; part of the conclusions/recommendations within Inglis helping to shape the electrification proposal.  In 1954 a regional executive committee was established to progress the electrification scheme(s), phase 1 of 3 being approved in 1956.  Upgrading of existing stations and infrastructure was allowed for. Frequent services, including workers’ lunchtime services were envisaged.

The British Transport Commission specified during the planning process 25Kv AC power supplies instead of 1500V DC, requiring greater clearance in tunnels and bridges than 1500V DC.  Station footbridges were renewed and track lowered in some locations.  LT&S EMUs were used for training, being similar electrically to the Class 303s that were not quite ready.  Various track alterations were made, including Queen St. Low Level becoming two tracks instead of four.

Five weeks after introduction the electrics were withdrawn because of technical issues with the arc rectifiers.  Steam haulage resumed until the electrics returned in 1962.

An excellent historical and educational presentation, much appreciated by the attendees.