Testing and Commissioning the IC225s
Mon 9th December @ 19:30 - 22:00
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Dave Coxon started work for British Railways at the Loco Works in Derby in 1964. During his long career Dave has worked for the LM CM&EE, the DM&EE and R&DD, for Serco and latterly for Bombardier in Derby. Dave was part of the Commissioning Section at the RTC Derby who were involved with testing and commissioning the IC225s in 1988-89.
Dave’s talk will cover the delivery of the first 10 locomotives and their testing and mileage gathering. It also covers the trials and tribulations of the late delivery of the Mk4 coaches and DVTs and the need to enter service on the promised date with Mk3 rolling stock and surrogate DVTs. His talk also describes the extensive testing of the Mk4 coach bogies and the transit of a locomotive to Hamburg for an exhibition in June 1988.
For this virtual event, you will require a ticket. Free for RCTS members, but a £2.50 donation will be requested at the checkout. Non-member tickets are £2.50. (Or you can join the Society in the same transaction to take advantage of members’ benefits)
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