North Wales in the 1980s

BTL North Filton St Teresa’s Church Hall, 71 Gloucester Road, North Filton, United Kingdom

Bristol branch · Presenter: Arthur Turner

Swindon Works the Final Years

BTL North Filton St Teresa’s Church Hall, 71 Gloucester Road, North Filton, United Kingdom

Bristol branch · Presenter: Brian Arman

North Wales in the 1980s

BTL North Filton St Teresa’s Church Hall, 71 Gloucester Road, North Filton, United Kingdom

Bristol branch · Presenter: Arthur Turner

Late BR Steam around Bristol

BTL North Filton St Teresa’s Church Hall, 71 Gloucester Road, North Filton, United Kingdom

Bristol branch · Presenter: Ian Bennett

BR in the Blue Era

BTL North Filton St Teresa’s Church Hall, 71 Gloucester Road, North Filton, United Kingdom

Bristol branch · Presenter: John Day

The Rhymney Railway

BTL North Filton St Teresa’s Church Hall, 71 Gloucester Road, North Filton, United Kingdom

On 2nd September we are pleased to welcome South Wales Branch Secretary, Peter Fortune to open our 2022/23 programme with a talk on the ‘Rhymney Railway’. Peter will be taking us on a journey down the line from it’s early days to the present time.