The RCTS and Mortons Media are pleased to present fourteen stunning photographs. They are the results of a photographic competition celebrating images captured from January 2022.
There were four categories:
- People and the Railway.
- Railway and the Environment
- Modern Traction
- Heritage Lines including Main Line Steam
An overall winner was awarded, and a wild card. Judging was undertaken by a small group of RCTS members and Mortons staff.
Winner - Eddie Holden
The judges considered that the photographer had captured an everyday railway scene in a creative manner in both the composition of the image and the contrast achieved in the sky and steam, with the location chosen illustrating the role of the way in which railways serve industry. All of the components in the picture lead the eye to the focus point that being the train.
Category 1 People and the Railway
Winner · C J Rich
The judges considered that the photographer had captured an everyday railway scene in a creative manner in both the composition of the image and the contrast achieved in the sky and steam, with the location chosen illustrating the role of the way in which railways serve industry. All of the components in the picture lead the eye to the focus point that being the train.
2nd Prize · Stuart Chapman
3rd Prize · Alan McWilliam
Category 2 Railway and the Environment
Winner · Oliver Morrill
The Judges found that there were many entries in this section that did not fulfil the brief which was Railways AND the Environment rather than Railways IN the Environment. Here the photographer has created an excellent framing in which to capture the railway contributing to a reduction in carbon emissions by converting a Class 180 power car to a more environmentally friendly fuel. The whole is emphasised by the crystal clear air alongside a blue sea.
2nd Prize · Nick Palmer
3rd Prize · Bob Foster
Category 3 Modern Traction
Winner · Alan Barnes
The photographer evidently set out specifically to capture this view which would have been taken before 7 am and recorded a scene of tranquillity still possible with a modern train, the eye being led to the train by the inclusion of foreground trees and the curvature of the track, which is highlighted by the glint on both it and the train.
2nd Prize · Peter Halsall
3rd Prize · Simon Jones
Category 4 Heritage Lines including Main Line Steam
Winner · Steve Sienkciewicz
44932 is caught in a classic steam pose with the conditions being ‘just right’ to add to the composition. The tracks through the field emphasise the exhaust which trails off into the distance whilst the depression in the ground helps to hold the attention on the train and the exhaust is not ‘lost’ in a milky sky.
2nd Prize · Geoff Griffiths
3rd Prize · John Stevenson
Wild Card
Winner · Philip Coombe
The Wild Card category was included in the competition to capture an image which the judges might have thought was of excellent quality but could have been more appropriately entered in a different class. The nine judges nominated two images each for this category and there was no duplication of choice illustrating just how subjective the selection of a ‘good and interesting’ photograph might be. After much debate the judges selected this image of two Warships for its careful composition accompanied by excellent clarity and exposure.