8th June 2020 · On-Line Meeting: Members’ Images
During the continuing lock-down, and following on from the success of our first on-line meeting, we had another virtual meeting using “Zoom” on Monday 8th June, arranged by the Branch Web Coordinator Jeremy Harrison in conjunction with Society Webmaster David Jackman. In addition to members of our own Branch, we were delighted to welcome several from elsewhere, coming from as far afield as Humberside. As last month, we were treated to an evening of members’ images on various themes. First of all, Geoff Brockett set the ball rolling with shots taken on the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight and the English mainland. Next, Phil Deaves, of Thames Valley Branch, took us away from traditional front three-quarters railway photography with images concentrating on other aspects, including structures and people. After a short break John Armitage showed some scenes on the Cliff Railway at Saltburn and the outbase of the National Railway Museum at Shildon, including Timothy Hackworth’s house, and a number of photographs taken at Darlington Steam Museum, and Darlington Locomotive Works, where the new P2 2007 Prince of Wales was waiting to be mounted on its newly delivered (and not to be touched!) wheels. Finally David Jackman treated us to some images from the Society’s Photographic Archive, of the Southern in the Sixties, which attracted some discussion. Our grateful thanks again go to Jeremy and David for organising this online meeting, and to the various contributors of material for our enjoyment.