4 events found.
Euston to Carlisle late fifties early sixties photos – preceded by Branch AGM – David Cross
EMD Nottingham The New Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood Street, NottinghamDavid will entertain us with a selection of his famous father's slides (Derek Cross)
North from Kings Cross – Photos from the RCTS Archive
St Marks Church Hall, Hitchin SG5 1UR St Mark's Close, Lancaster Avenue, HitchinA Presentation by David Jackman for the Hitchin & Welwyn Garden City Branch. David Jackman will present a photographic review of the southern ECML as seen through the lens of…
“Appalachian Mountain Wanderings” by Tony Field
CBR Fulbourn, Cambridge The Swifts, Haggis Gap, Fulbourn, CambridgePassage through these mountains still provides a stern test even for modern traction. This video presentation shows a variety of such workings, all set in spectacular scenery.
Railways 1933-36, from the Sutton Coldfield Railway Society’s Moseley collection
Virtual Meeting Virtual Meeting
Virtual Event
A further presentation of photographs from the Sutton Coldfield Railway Society’s Moseley Archive of over 2000 photographs taken by the late Percy Moseley between 1911 and the 1970s. Following previous…