Sheffield Branch AGM followed by Mike Brownhill: ColourRail gems.

SFD Sheffield 60-68 Trippet Lane, Sheffield, United Kingdom

AGM: Your chance to have your say in the running of the branch and a time to make suggestions for our future activities. Committee member Mike Brownhill will then present a selection of archive slides from his ColourRail steam collection. Recommended Donations:-  RCTS Members £2, Guests £3

Railways around Edinburgh

SCT Edinburgh Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Ken Falconer provides another selection from his archive, containing a mix of steam and diesel workings.

“Highlights of the 1980’s”

SOE Eastleigh Junction Church (formerly Eastleigh Railway Institute), 2 Romsey Road, Eastleigh, United Kingdom

Solent branch · Presenter: Mark Greening

Steam Memories 2

WMD Coventry Cheylesmore Community Centre, Arundel/Poitiers Road, Coventry, United Kingdom