On 8th December 2021 the branch held its traditional Christmas social. The evening opened with a presentation of various slides provided by the members. A topical quiz followed, which proved…

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All things Northern Trains

  10 November 2021 Our Chairman Derek Stuckey started our meeting on 10 November with the shocking news that friend of the branch Paul Abell, who had presented our October…

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Sentinel shunters and railcars

Presenter: Paul Abell For our second attended meeting of 2021/22 season, we were delighted to welcome Paul Abell back to Sheffield, with his presentation on Sentinel shunters and railcars. Pleasingly,…

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The Slides of Alan Lovecy

Presenter: Andy Barclay Well, it was good to be back! The face-to-face meetings programme of the Sheffield Branch resumed on Wednesday 29th September after a break of around 18 months…

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