Christmas Social Evening


Our December meeting was planned to be the attended, traditional Christmas social.  However, the inclement weather in Sheffield and elsewhere precluded this, so we reverted to a virtual ‘Zoom’ get together.  A small but very welcome group of members/guests, were firstly treated to a presentation ’60 years of railway snaps’ by branch secretary, Jim Bryant.  Starting with his early years at Weston-super-Mare this moved from local scenes to other locations at home and abroad, the latter drawing particularly on holidays spent in France.  A second instalment, with an emphasis on miniature railways was 'threatened' for next Xmas!  The second part of the evening was devoted to a quiz, being played as competitively as ever.  Branch chairman – Derek Stuckey offered an intriguing first part, listing a number of places in England & Wales, and asking if they had city or town status?   One stalwart managed to achieve maximum points!  There followed a presentation of slides by Fixtures Secretary – Robert Pritchard, asking for various railway locations to be identified (including abroad).  Some were fiendishly difficult!  However a winner was declared and a varied and enjoyable evening was brought to a close.