‘From the River Tamar to Tiverton Junction through the Years’
We held our first meeting since March 2020 on 13th November, and as our previous venue is currently not available we used a new location which proved superior in every way, not least that the room is larger and permitted a much improved seating layout. As attendances at our meetings prior to pandemic were on the low side, and having sadly lost several more members in the last couple of years, we were cautious at resuming meetings, but a dozen members were present to see a digital presentation ‘From the River Tamar to Tiverton Junction through the Years’ that was given by David Mitchell. This was a follow-up to the photographic tour along Devon’s main line that he showed to us back in October 2019. About two-thirds of the photos shown were his own, and these were supplemented with other images that he has collected, thus the subjects ranged from the broad gauge era through to the present day. A short programme of physical meetings is being arranged for this winter and we hope that numbers will increase for these.